There's also a montage bit (to Elton John) with some Kentucky sights for you to identify, including a sign for Ear X-tacy in Louisville. PS: the movie was also shot in Versailles, among other places.
Looks like a typical kind of Cameron Crowe thing—comin' of age, findin' love 'n' growin' up. Not that there's anything wrong with that—See Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Say Anything, or Almost Famous much? I would also throw in roughly half of Jerry Maguire.
Actually—it usually seems that CC is great for about half of any given movie (excluding Almost Famous). Take your pick.
Hey! I saw the sign! Ialso saw a Makers Mark Tee and an Ale 8 tee,too. After which Hap and I had a long discussion about whether any of them had to pay for product placement. We decided that Makers probably did...Ear Xtacy, probably not. Ale 8...we're not sure.
Also, I liked ALL those movies. Loved Fast Times....JM would've been just fine without that annoying Tom Cruise (who was a freak long before the TomKat thing happened...why everyone else is just now noticing is a mystery to me)
i not only saw elizabethtown but i am from e-town and the movie sucked it should have been called somthing else becouse hardly any of it was filmed in e-town little miss dunst thought she was to good to make a apearance here if cammoron wanted to potray e-town he did a crapy job mabe he should stay in holywood
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