Belted Galloways are among the most curious and gentle bovines that I've ever experienced. Apparently, the bulls are regarded as even gentler still. From my first day at Aldermere, I found out how relaxing it was to be close to a pen full of "Belties," if not actually in the pen, as the 4H kids were on MWF.
On my first day, I got there just as the kids' work was winding down, and then it started raining. The Belties really aren't any more fond of rain than these girls and everybody was in the freshly-sawdusted pen. Notice the girl who's actually lying on top of a cow. This scene lasted nearly half an hour, as I recall. If the cows got close enough to be annoying, the girls would slap-slap-slap! them in the snout or just push them away.

- me: "So, um, have you guys ever been head-butted by any of the cows?"
- 4H girl: "Oh, yeah, all the time." (with blasé)
- me: "Oh."
- me: "So, um, what does it mean?" (translation: "Am I being attacked?")
- 4H girl: "It means 'get out of my way.'"
- me: "Oh."
- Another 4H girl: "Sometimes they're sorta bossy."
- me: "I guess that explains about when I saw you slapping that one cow on the nose a bunch."
- 4H girl: "Yeah. It's the best way to get their attention."
The cows stayed pretty much away from the backhoe while the farmhand was digging — I don't know if that was because of volume (the thin's pretty loud) or just because everybody should stay away from backhoes. But after he called it a day and left, I hung around and the funniest thing happened. The cows — about a dozen or so — were under their shelter, standing, lying, staring at me. After a long while—half hour or so—one of them sauntered towards the gate, and slowly they all followed. The lazed their way down the hill, stopping here and there to chomp some grass, before eventually making their way to … the backhoe. And they all congragated around it, and sniffed and licked it for at least 15 minutes before continuing down the hill. It was one of the brightest moments of my day, literally, because it had been cloudy and the sun had now come gloriously through. If you don't believe me, see for yourself. I love them Belties.
1 comment:
There's a BG farm less than a mile from school up here. Pretty aren't they?
Did you get a chance to palpate one of them gals? Or at least brag that you had a friend who does?? (ha ha)
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