Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Feeling silly?
Friday, December 16, 2005
I could tell a million stories about "The Cruise."
Once I went on a cruise with 3 friends. I always theoretically disdained the idea of a cruise. So cheesy, so tourist-y, so…well, you get the idea. But the fact remains: I went on a cruise with three friends and we had some crazy fun.
The thing I loved was this: We went on Holland-America because it's all oldsters. Fuck Carnival or any of those lines that cater to "young people." I don't want that. I want:
- no screaming kids (or screaming anybody, really. Except me—I reserve the right to be the Screaming Guy)
- lots of quiet oldsters
- many many interesting conversations with above-mentioned oldsters
Anyway, the ship, of course, was gi-normous. And around its hulking gi-normousity, my favorite activity, undoubtedly, was wandering with a drink in one hand and a smoke in the other. Looking for a piano. And there were pianos all over the place. My dream come true. Even now, I want a drink and a smoke and a piano just thinking about it. (these days, I'll have to settle for a drink—some eggnog—since I quit smoking and my piano's in storage.) The decks and decks and promenades and promenades…these ships are very nearly cities on the water. Most everywhere—especially the lido deck—there were miles and miles of teak loungers, exactly like this.
And we would just be walking around—like ya do— and I would come across a run of unoccupied teak loungers. And the temptation would be irresistible to… TRIP AS HUGELY AS POSSIBLE ACROSS AS MANY CHAIRS AS POSSIBLE.
I would approach my target casually, continuing the conversation at hand. Uh-huh…oh, sure! Hey, I totally agr—blam! crash! tumble! And then there I was lying across the top of of pile of wrecked deck chairs.
We'd set them back up—kind of like bowling pins—and continue on our way.this was a nearly sure-fire recipe for nearly deadly peals of laughter.
And so, today's lesson: the Prat Fall. A wonderful way not to take yourself to seriously (because you will be laughed at by strangers), and entertain others at the same time.
Inspiration and recollection credit to the great Jules— Vettro, Professor Emeritus.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
From the archives: Mick's Big Fanboy Moment
One the main purposes for my blogging is to chronicle some of the more memorable moments in my life; There are lots of stories "upstairs," but getting them into written form is a task that will likely never approach being completed. Nonetheless, I'm making an effort. Here, for instance is a story that I stumbled across while trying to make some sense of the piles of paper around my office.
(from an email to Jennifer and Jill—Oct. 8, 2002)
Oh, man-- this is funny. Last night, I actually kind of had dinner with Victoria Williams!
Sort of.
She played at the Kentucky Theater, see—and I was so excited, I went down there several hours early and sat in the theater, working on my laptop, mindin' my own beeswax..... waiting for…my moment. The time came, and I basically schmoozed my way into her presence and ended up escorting her to a nearby chinese jernt and sitting and chatting with her while she sucked down some hot and sour soup. Just me and Vic. She was mighty funny in a "bless her heart" kinda way.
For instance, she got some tea. It was about to be served up in a styrofoam cup, and she politely and somewhat anxiously smiled and asked if there was another kind of cup. The owner—an Asian gentleman who was almost certainly perplexed by this request— said that was all they had. But she coaxed him into letting her use his personal ceramic mug, volunteering to wash it in exchange for the privilege.
Kind of a dream come true really, you know, as fan boy moments go. She was exactly how I imagined her to be: Sweet; more than a little dizzy; kind and courteous to all around her. An authentic person. She and husband musician Mark Olson live in the Mojave Desert. Also, neither she nor Mark seem fond of hair brushing.
The Harmony Ridge Creekdippers played on the Woodsongs Radio Hour. They did some cool stuff, including "Moon River" and before the last song she said "I said I'd play a request for somebody" and played "Love." That would be a request for ME. :-) I asked her, as we were leaving the chinese joint if she'd play a song for me.
I am such a goober. But what a big thrill for me. I'm such a lover of her voice and songs and general demeanor. and I really REALLY don't act like this anymore. ;-)
a couple of addendums:
(from an email to Jennifer and Jill—Oct. 8, 2002)
Oh, man-- this is funny. Last night, I actually kind of had dinner with Victoria Williams!
Sort of.
She played at the Kentucky Theater, see—and I was so excited, I went down there several hours early and sat in the theater, working on my laptop, mindin' my own beeswax..... waiting for…my moment. The time came, and I basically schmoozed my way into her presence and ended up escorting her to a nearby chinese jernt and sitting and chatting with her while she sucked down some hot and sour soup. Just me and Vic. She was mighty funny in a "bless her heart" kinda way.
For instance, she got some tea. It was about to be served up in a styrofoam cup, and she politely and somewhat anxiously smiled and asked if there was another kind of cup. The owner—an Asian gentleman who was almost certainly perplexed by this request— said that was all they had. But she coaxed him into letting her use his personal ceramic mug, volunteering to wash it in exchange for the privilege.
Kind of a dream come true really, you know, as fan boy moments go. She was exactly how I imagined her to be: Sweet; more than a little dizzy; kind and courteous to all around her. An authentic person. She and husband musician Mark Olson live in the Mojave Desert. Also, neither she nor Mark seem fond of hair brushing.
The Harmony Ridge Creekdippers played on the Woodsongs Radio Hour. They did some cool stuff, including "Moon River" and before the last song she said "I said I'd play a request for somebody" and played "Love." That would be a request for ME. :-) I asked her, as we were leaving the chinese joint if she'd play a song for me.
I am such a goober. But what a big thrill for me. I'm such a lover of her voice and songs and general demeanor. and I really REALLY don't act like this anymore. ;-)
a couple of addendums:
- After the soup and before the show, I dropped her off at the dressing room, and she said, "thanks, Mitch" and I gently corrected her and that led to one of my favorite party questions: "When people get your name wrong, what are the most popular variations?" Then I backed up, thinking out loud: "Oh, maybe that doesn't happen to you, since you're kind of a celebrity. <duh>" Anyway, she laughed and said people got her name wrong all the time, but truth be told, I was so happy to have gotten a laugh out of her, that I didn't hear what she said. 20 minutes later, Michael Johnathan, that stooge, calls her "Victoria Wilson," into a live mic, not once, not twice, but thrice
- Lucy and I had barely been going out for any time at all at this point. And when I called her in a delighted panic to let her know that Victoria Williams was in town and I was going on a special errand to get soy milk for her, Faced with this side of my personality, Lucy was the portrait of well concealed trepidation. To this day Lucy insists, of VW: "She thought you were a stalker." I have a picture of Vic and I that Lucy took and—okay— she does have a strange look on her face. Like, maybe she thought I was a stalker.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Egg Nog of the Stars
I don't know where I got the recipe.
It's been lying around for at least a year, maybe two. I think it either came from ReadyMade or Real Simple. But it purported to be The Finest Eggnog, and I had to give it a whirl. The kicker for me was the last bit of the recipe: Refrigerate for three weeks.
Three weeks?! Jeez, that better be some pretty damned good eggnog.
Well, December has snuck up and I nearly panicked when I noticed the recipe collecting virtual lint in my Palm pilot. I finally got out today and got the incredible amount of booze required, and the other things and got home and set to work in the lab—I mean—kitchen. Temporary kitchen, that is. (Fortunately, the eggnog does not require an oven, as do not any of the dishes that Lucy and I cook in our "temporary kitchen.")
Mixing, mixing, separating eggs, mixing assorted dairies… mixing assorted boozes…
So I got it all together without any curdling (a great mystery to me, that curdling), and decanted it for it's sleepy incubation period. But you know, I couldn't resist it. I had to try it. And I did. And verily and forsooth, it is suh-lammmin'! And that's after only 10 minutes!
By Christmas time, it'll be good enough to slay. I mean "sleigh."
Then we'll see what makes Santa jolly…
Oh, you want the recipe? Here y'go…
The Finest Eggnog
- Separate 12 eggs in 2 cups of sugar
- Dissolve egg yolks until creamy
- Add 1/2 pint of light cream
- 1 quart of milk
- 1 fifth of bourbon
- 4 oz. Meyer's Dark Jamaican rum
- 4-8 oz of cognac (use good cognac)
- A pinch of salt
- Refrigerate for 3 weeks.
The Power of Lint
Well, I threw away my lint ball today. Really.
Yes, I have—had—a lint ball. I'd been collecting lint since learning—at some manic point in the past, during one of my many minor obsessions—that one could make paper out of dryer lint. I mean—hell—some people make sculpture out of lint, so maybe I could eventually, you know, make some paper. So I started saving for the magical day when I was going to make dryer lint paper; and I guess I've been saving for three years. But I tossed it in the mind-draining Bassett house moving effort. So I didn't make the paper.
That was hard to accept, like so many moving moments. A few weeks ago, I tried to purge my file cabinet of "unnecessary things." Wow, that was anxiety producing. Just like moving. For me the challenge lies in confronting so so many things that are reminders of forgotten passions, imagined yearnings, intended explorations. I've got jillions of 'em. I want to do everything. Everything. And I've got scraps of this or that for the special occasion, should it arise ever. Hence, the lint.
I like the cartoons where the protagonist has a tiny devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other; Me, I've got just one familiar, one who's only sentence is: "you might need that!" Whether it's some lint or some running shoe inserts or a box of bolts. Really, these are all things that I have had to ponder—seriously ponder—whether to keep or not.
I guess it's liberating, too, though. "Okay—he's liberated by throwing away a ball of lint. Check." you might be thinking. But mostly it's the occasional realization that I can come up with more passions and yearnings, and it's likely some will be even more gratifying than making paper out of lint. So I'll just continue clearing house and wait for the next truckload.
PS: Fortunately, I found at least one person on the net who cares about lint as much as I (thought I) did. I pass the crown, then…
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Morning reading
Look closely: This is an actual candid of my sweetheart having breakfast, reading a picture of the side of a box of cereal.
Hello, is this hilarious to anybody else but me?
Hello, is this hilarious to anybody else but me?
Monday, November 28, 2005
I'm Engaged—Film at 11.
Pictured is my mom's Star Sapphire, which I gave to Lucy—via waitress—at the Causeway CafĂ© at Wrightsville Beach, NC on the day after Thanksgiving 2005. I love Miss Lucy and certainly have a lot to be thankful for this year. If you want to see pictures and words, here are pictures and words. Extra credit to Wyn and Lolli who correctly sussed what the Sapphire entries on my blog must mean.
By the way: We don't know The Date. Deal with it. ;-)
BUT we both love our many glorious friends, far and wide, and look forward to coming up with a special occasion for us all to convene.
The Golden Age Star Sapphire
The great Oriental traveller, Sir Richard Francis Burton, had a large star sapphire or asteria, as it was called. He referred to it as his talisman, for it always brought him good horses and prompt attention wherever he went; in fact, it was only in those places where he received proper attention that he would show it to the natives, a favor they greatly appreciated because the sight of the stone was believed to bring good luck. The fame of Burton's asteria travelled ahead of him, and it served him well as a guiding-star. De Boot, writing in the seventeenth century, states that such a stone was called Siegstein (victory-stone) among the Germans.
The remarkable asteria, known as the "Star of India," in the Morgan-Tiffany Collection in the American Museum of Natural History, has a more or less indefinite historic record of some three centuries, but after its many wanderings it has now found a worthy resting-place in the great Museum. Its weight is 543 carats. (The subject of the origin, development and reform of the caratweight has been fully treated by the author in the Trans. of the Soc. of Min. Engineers, 1913, pp. 1225-1245, "The New International Metric Diamond Carat of 200 milligrams.")
The asteria, or star sapphire, might be called a "Stone of Destiny," as the three cross-bars which traverse it are believed to represent Faith, Hope, and Destiny. As the stone is moved, or the light changes, a living star appears. As a guiding gem, warding off ill omen and the Evil Eye, the star-sapphire is worn for the same reasons as were the oculus mundi and the oculus Beli. One of the most unique of talismanic stones, it is said to be so potent that it continues to exercise its good influence over the first wearer even when it has passed into other hands.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
On the road and geekin' the Best Western
Another trip across the mid-south, folks, what does it mean? It means more blogging from the road, that's what! This used to be hard. Now it's getting easy. That probably means I'll soon grow bored with it. I hope not. My dream is to find something that I'm so obsessed with that I never grow tired of it. No dice, so far. But I can dream, right? Actually, blogging seems to be in first place for a while now. Especially during traveling jaunts. Incidentally, I'm sitting in the lobby of the Chapel Hill Best Western, amid the fetid florid furniture. "but why, mick, aren't you in your room on the back of the deserted hotel?" you must be asking. Well, it's like this: Lucy, she gotta watch Lost. And I'm not proud—I've got to watch it too, but I'm behind and cannot watch it right now. Must. Avoid. Thus, The Lobby Technique. So got the frick out. First stop: Whole Foods – Durham! A dreamland, I tell ya, of granola-esque deliciousness! I went in to get a variety of items (okay, okay—sauteed kale, tofu pad thai, barbeque turkey burgers and all kinds of olives) and a bottle of cheap red wine. I actually found it: Cheap Red Wine. That's what it's called. Perfect. We've been kind of wrapped up in "Two Buck Chuck," and I think it's sinking in. Me? Looking for wine? God help us all. Talk about The Next Thing…this one could last for years if it takes hold. Please—don't talk to me about wine. I don't want to. I don't want to talk about wine. I just want to drink it.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Lucy and I goofin' at the fabulous Lexicon Project Mobile Studio, in front of the Dame after the recent Mecca benefit! Thanks, Lexicon Project!
The benefit went swimmingly. Mecca—who's home has been in the heart of downtown lex for six years—has recently moved to their new home. The cost of that moving—we're talkin' new dance floors, y'all—has not been small, and so a benefit was in order. Interestingly, in spite of all the wonderful things that Mecca has done for the arts community, I can't recall there ever being a previous benefit for Mecca. And talk about a shoestring budget… sheesh!
Let's see, we had the always-fabulous Rakadu performance, as well as more super-duperness from Big Maracas, Club Dub and Big Fresh, who get extra props for including a lecture on prime numbers in the middle of their set, with guest lecturer, Stereo Apple and Marble Robert Schneider. I learned so much, guys…
My favorite part of the evening was kind of a hilarious come-uppance that could remain private, but I want to share because Carlin and Chan said they actually read my blog, so I gotta offer up…um, something.
There have been a variety of Mecca related events at The Dame where I get to DJ. I love to DJ, and when it's a Mecca thang, it's usually a vaguely Middle Eastern Bossa Nova techno affair. Then afterwards, it's not unusual for me to be asked to DJ for a bit to the loyal crowd. Last time I did this, I got to play 70's disco to a very appreciative dance floor until 2am or so, and it was such a feeling, to quote-unquote rock the dance floor.
So I'm thinkin' 'yeah, some more dance dj action,' gettin' some tunes queued up (blondie? no, no… Pilot? what? what?!)… I'm standing in the soundbooth next to Mikey Tev, who's poised to flip the board over to the DJ as soon as Big Fresh finishes up their wackiness. Nick, the Manager, is standing behind us and when BF wraps, he's gonna cue Mikey to swap over to the DJ. I'm considering my first song choice once more (this is all on laptop, by the way, so I can change my mind pretty quickly). Then, my time has come: Nick cues Mikey Tev and he moves this slider and that and I wait for Pilot's "Magic" to come boomin' across the PA—what a sweet sound it's gonna be—but instead I hear…Heart? Magic Man??! What the fuh?!
I glance around the club, everybody's rockin', and I look over to see…my nemesis! Mikey Turner, friend, RFL hipster, Warmest Milk, on the wheels of steel at DJ station #2!
I had to laugh. Apparently, I was the only one that thought I was DJ'ing after the show. And I realized that I hadn't actually bothered to ask. What's that about 'assuming?'
Never mind, I got it.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
"So, as long as we've already invaded Iraq, it's alright to invest in the currency, since our invasion will cause it to one day rise again?"
Is that it? Is this a vote of confidence?
I don't know but I might need to buy some Dinar. You know, just in case…
Fear and Loathing in the Mystery Machine
Wildwood Inn
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Public spontaneous pillow fight. Now that's my kind of fun.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Somebody spot me some cash…
Here's the thing. I need to buy Brian Eno's synthesizer. It would make a really great christmas present for me. Please?
Friday, November 04, 2005
Welcome to the world of Cover Pops, a concept developed by artist Jim Bumgardner. Just look at this coverpop of MAD Magazines. It's pretty engrossing. If you want to know "why? how? what?!" as I instantly did, go check out the faq
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Mick turns 40. Film at 11.
People—I have just had the most excellent 40th birthday…season. One of the things I like about my Oct. 25 birthday is that is five days after my sweetie's and seven days before Halloween. Lots to do. And it's in the height of autumn, my favorite season. Until Spring, that is.
Well, I turned 40 this year. No real drama to speak of. I think it's too easy to dwell on these things, and I've probably done my share of hand-wringing over it in the "lead-up," but not really so much. I mean—what do they say?—beats the alternative. Yup!
And I've got so many friends. They threw me a surprise party under the devious organization of Lucy. Back to that later.
There was breakfast at the Meadowthorpe Café; there was the New Pornographers (early, true, but I really highly encourage you, gentle reader, to celebrate your birthday season.) There was Lucy's birthday. There was a trip to the drive-in.
And there was my wonderful and rainy actual birthday which featured thrift store visits and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Then sushi and friends. And, as I said, then there was the surprise party. Which didn't come until friday, just long enough that I didn't suspect a single thing. I mean—hadn't I already had quite enough fun for one person? Well, I've always been a bit of a glutton for fun.
So, friday, the plan was to meet Jennifer and Travis for a drink, which sounded like plenty of fun. I was kind of stressed because of my impending yard sale, the next morning. Ad in the paper, yada yada. Had to do it! Lucy had proclaimed repeatedly her desire to go out dancing to The Big Maracas, Lexington's fine fine salsa/samba outfit down at The Dame. I had been caterwauling about the yard sale, the yard sale, but in the end had finally conceded that dancing seemed like a better idea than walking around Bassett house, wringing my hands over the coming morning.
We walked the breezy fall night air stream a few blocks to The Dame and right inside the door, a chorus of mashed-up "Surprise!" and "Happy Birthday!" And—I've got to tell you—I didn't know what to think. My first thought was "Oh! How nice to have everybody at the bar wish me a happy birthday. I wonder how they pulled that off…"
I actually had to first realize that I knew basically every person I saw, and then talk to a couple of people before grasping that this was a surprise party for me. My next thought was: Woo-hoo! TT was there to instantly hand me a Gin and Tonic. T'ank yoo, dahlink…
The rest of the night was spent dancing and laughing and talking. Well, here's some pictures, if you're curious. Oh yeah—I got to bed at about 3am, got up at 5:30pm and shagged my sorry ass over to Bassett for my yard sale. Hurtin'!
Of course, it was so very worth it.
Thanks to all my wonderful friends. Thank you!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Western Omelette
Had a fabulous weekend in Northern Kentucky seeing The New Pornographers at the Southgate House. Wheeee!
In between, we had time to eat at two of Newport/Covington's legendary 24-hour diners, The Anchor and The Pepper Pod, bot of which are featured in this story.
The girls here, in rare "morning-after" form, at The Pepper Pod in Newport.
I've been perusing Edward Weston books lately, and am rethinking what I toss and what I keep. I think I have plenty of "Smile!" pictures. Alternately, I love this picture because of the variety of expressions on the girls' faces… Thanks, ladiez!
Additional note: Mary and I had been to the Pepper Pod merely six hours before this, on a late-night breakfast binge. Upon crashing and getting up with the rest of the posse, we shrugged and headed back for another round of eggs!
In between, we had time to eat at two of Newport/Covington's legendary 24-hour diners, The Anchor and The Pepper Pod, bot of which are featured in this story.
The girls here, in rare "morning-after" form, at The Pepper Pod in Newport.
I've been perusing Edward Weston books lately, and am rethinking what I toss and what I keep. I think I have plenty of "Smile!" pictures. Alternately, I love this picture because of the variety of expressions on the girls' faces… Thanks, ladiez!
Additional note: Mary and I had been to the Pepper Pod merely six hours before this, on a late-night breakfast binge. Upon crashing and getting up with the rest of the posse, we shrugged and headed back for another round of eggs!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Susan & Karen's Wedding — photos on Flickr and Kodak Gallery!
Here are my pictures from Susan & Karen's Wedding, in Provincetown, on Cape Cod. Words can barely do the occasion justice, so I'm trying 170 photos instead. I hope you'll comment, name people (I am woefully ill-informed about many people's names, sorry!) and generally enjoy reliving Susan & Karen's wedding.
NOTE: I decided to put the pix on because it's a more "social" site. However—flickr isn't geared towards ordering prints. With that in mind, I've ALSO posted the pictures—no commentary, and less comment options—on the print-oriented site, Kodak Gallery, where you can easily order prints of shots you want. NOTE: you will have to create an account to order prints, I beleive. To order prints (remember—FIRST go to Flickr to see the pictures, and to comment and see other people's comments), click here.
And if you have any questions, leave a comment below or email me directly.
Also, I'll be posting a truncated version of Mick & Lucy's Cape Cod Adventure soon. But right now, the stars are Susan & Karen!
thinking about the wedding.
The Wedding of Susan and Karen, I will always have for my own, I feel. Yesterday, at the post-wedding day brunch (where I ate a sumptuous—though dubious—"South Beach"-friendly breakfast of barbecue, fruit, and bacon), Karen—as gracious as hosts come—shoved her own certain fatigue aside and patrolled the house contantly with a smile and a hug saying: "How are you? Can I get you anything?" Karen manages affability as a science and warmth as a craft. Which is a silly way of saying that she's a very special and friendly person. And Susan, I already knew I liked Susan. The other day, she said that we must have been "separated at birth" because we are contantly finding similar ideosyncracies, the sum of which has irreversibly led to our friendship. (Starting immediatley upon meeting, when we agreed that, not only did we not like Goat cheese, but we had both had people frequently disbelieve us and say 'Oh, you just haven't had good goat cheese.' People! Don't like it! Have tried it plenty!) So I'm always happy to see Sue. And to see Sue happy—tearfully happy—well, it was quite contagious for many people there in Provincetown.
I could say "the wedding was beautiful," and that would certainly be true. It was visually one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever seen, at the base of the Pilgrim Monument (surely a sign of tolerance), under streaming Autumn sunlight, amid a riot of flowers and a clutch of friends and family.
But it was more than beautiful.
And a lot of those friends are my friends now. And isn't it always nice to have a new friend? I think it is.
Monday, September 26, 2005
from up high, too
P-town from the top of the Pilgrim Monument, a spectacular, concentric circle hike up up up to the top of the sky. the Fast Ferry comes into the piers regularly... when my ferry sailed in, on of the Greenpeace ships was docked. It was surprisingly moving to see this sight; a huge ship in the service of defending environmental rights against assorted corporate interests, sometimes with their very lives, as Greenpeace workers know too well. Having read about Greenpeace ships having been actually attacked on the open sea, I found it unexpectedly moving to see this ship. I didn't manage to get back to the pier for a tour. Another "next time" event.
from up high
didn't get to see any whales or dead pilgrims, but that's for next time. we're coming back... so many reasons… one of them is the rails to trails path which runs all the way up the cape.. this could be a future Very Long Bike ride... imagine: accomodations in p-town, and a long bike ride to get there up the cape on a no-cars bike path. that sounds like a plan.
Andy has a brainstorm
Nobody wears a dusk tree like Andy. The wedding was on top of p-town at the Pilgrim Monument, offering a panoramic view of p-town and some fabulous evening light.
today, lucy and I have been venturing back across the Cape, slowly making it back to Boston, the plane(s) and "the real world." But on the way we've seen seals, the Marconi monument to the first transatlantic radio broadcast (from the US, that is), much marshland, and lucy has found some special rocks.
today, lucy and I have been venturing back across the Cape, slowly making it back to Boston, the plane(s) and "the real world." But on the way we've seen seals, the Marconi monument to the first transatlantic radio broadcast (from the US, that is), much marshland, and lucy has found some special rocks.
"i love the flower girl"
That's a quote from the Edison Lighthouse song, which I also love. There are lighthouses here on cape cod. what a wonderful thing. Lucy, with help from Chris makes the flowers happen for Susan and Karen's wedding. They were so wonderful, that Christian, the big-city wedding planner marveled upon finding out that Lucy was NOT a professional wedding florist. Hear that, Lucy? Good work, grr-frien'...
The Dunes
I love Provincetown. It is officially one of my favorite places. It took me a bit to admit this, because of my typical need to see the crassness of many destinations. But Provincetown won me over quick. The delight of a place where so many people can feel at ease about who they are on the inside is a wonder. Couple that with some of the most beautiful coastline, and not a MacDonalds to be seen anywhere, and what's not to like. Bikes, dykes, and what's not to likes? (okay that was dumb)
Susan and karen
Many more pictures to come.
We're delighting in Cape Cod. We've rented a tandem bike, and biked the National Seashore, through the most glorious dunes, we've walked the wonderful streets of p-town, we've been blessed enough to take part in a beautiful and important same-sex wedding of two wonderful people. I'm extra happy to be alive today.
We're delighting in Cape Cod. We've rented a tandem bike, and biked the National Seashore, through the most glorious dunes, we've walked the wonderful streets of p-town, we've been blessed enough to take part in a beautiful and important same-sex wedding of two wonderful people. I'm extra happy to be alive today.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
a morning in P-Town
There's a joy in the air, or I'm imagining things.
The rainbow is the favorite color of p-town and I'm glad. People are fabulously happy here. Not "leave us alone we're on vacation privately" happy, but "hey how are you we're on vacation, too" happy. Right now a group of nearly a dozen walks down the shoulder, headed off to the diminishing tip of the horn of the Cape. I just realized that mostly I'm seeing adults, although there are kids here, too.
The only sadness was waking up in our tiny charming room at The Dunes and having Lucy be gone, off to work on the flowers for Susan and Karen's wedding, today at 2:30. Last night was the rehearsal dinner, but really more of a friends party, a family party, a gathering of loved ones. And listening to Susan and Karen each speak about how happy it made them for us to come here for their wedding and how happy it made them to get married made me wonder why on earth anyone would wish ill on anybody of any color or any gender or any disposition, who wanted—really wanted—to marry somebody else. It's an act of the most profound and genuine love, from where I sit here this morning—on a deck, with the breeze whipping around flags of the US, Canada, Portugal and the nation of those who are different, the rainbow flag, symbolizing, almost certainly better than any of the others, the union of "all the colors of the rainbow." This morning I defer to that flag more than ever before.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Cape Coddled!
Flyiing into boston harbor, we passed over this outcropping of rocks with an old lighthouse on it. the kind of thing you'd see in—I don't know—a movie trying to establish it's eastern seaboardness. It was one of those almost fictional sights, that isn't fiction. It could have been abandoned, though.. There was something so staged looking. I guess it's similar to the Dust-Blowed Desert Gas Station; these are things that a Kentucky native kind of only sees on TV.
Well, I didn't mention—I'm going to a lesbian wedding in Provincetown, Mass. To get there, I drove to Louisville, flew to NY, flew to Boston, took the water taxi to the seaport, and now I'll take the Fast Ferry to P-Town. This definitely fills my recommended daily allowance of unusual transportation options. which always a plus, as far as i'm concerned. I love traveling.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Black Metal for Dummies
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
New art by Mr. Shambhu, here in Lex!
The wonderful James Shambhu—who's such a friend of mine that I call him Jim—has been hard at work and is displaying new work at New Editions Gallery in Lexington. In addition to his distinctive style and vibrant colors, you'll find fascinating titles like:
"She looked at him with a blank stare. Then suddenly the gravity of the situation hit her.
She sat down quietly."
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
The Dame gets bitch-slapped
An open letter to Cole Skinner, former Manager of The Dame:
I was so goddamned bummed to read the Herald-Leader news of the management and staff changes at The Dame, the downtown club that you and your staff have worked so hard to build into a premier venue for local and national music acts. Beyond that, The Dame quickly became a favored place to meet up with friends, to laugh, to socialize, and to generally lighten the daily load. What a terrible blow for downtown Lexington night life to lose your management of that venue as well as the capable and friendly hands within.
However, I am so very grateful for the magic that you brought to Lexington with that club. You really filled a gap, Cole—one that had been festering and hurting in downtown since the closing of the legendary Wrocklage, so many years ago. Some of the success was location, but much of it was your manner and charm—and booking—that made The Dame feel like home. All of which I suppose will no longer be present in "Dame 2.0" or whatever the fuck those bonehead Atlanta owners call it.
I want to loudly and plainly say "thank you, Cole." I wish you the very best of luck in your next venture, and can only hope (somewhat vainly) that it is in Lexington.
Best wishes,
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Rae Kicks Mountain Bike Ass! Film at 11.
Rae Gandalf—who some of you may know from "back in the day"—has moved on to a fascinating career as a Veterinarian, and sometimes posts emails with stories of pulling a gorilla's tooth, or x-raying an Elephant or what-have-you. But this latest thing—wowza! Rae was recuited to participate in the Santa Cruz Bikes Hellride 2, a competition that pits "amateur" (I use that time very loosely) mountain bikers with world-class pros for the chance to win the bike they ride—if they can only keep up on…the HELLRIDE!
If you want to congratulate her, email her!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Jill's pix of the Jennifer & Travis wedding weekend!

Here are Jill's Pix.

New Shambhu in the Lou!
So isn't it about time for some new work by Jim Shambhu? You bet it is!
Which is why I'm happy to pass on that Jim has a new show hanging at the ArtBeat Gallery in Louisville!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Pix from Mary's Thursday night
here's a few (very few) pix from Mary's and the Travis & Jennifer BBQ Bonanza! Plenty of cameras around so I actually focused on having fun. Thus the shortage of shots. Scroll down for a link to other wedding day shots by Anessa!
Lucy loves Mick
Anessa took a buncha pix at Jennifer & Travis' wedding, y'all. click here to see more!
Ashes-to-Fireworks Send-Off for Hunter S.
Even better, gonzo lovers, is this Flickr photo gallery of the funeral itself, which was underwritten by fellow Kentuckian Johnny Depp.
Monday, August 22, 2005
"An Einstein of Music" Bob Moog - R.I.P.

This moment…
The sky was full of those rolling clouds, the kind that are a wonder to look at, as they tumble by, but also suggest that you may soon be running for cover. That breeze—it didn't really do much except blow the heat from here to there, which was nonetheless helpful.
In the fire-engine red vintage Bonneville convertible, the bride sat next to me, crouched down so nobody would see her…just yet. "Wow, I'm getting married in a minute," she noted, combining clinical observation with wry enthusiasm, as is her custom. I sat behind the wheel and nodded and breathed in the air. "Yep." I smiled at her, as is my custom.
Then the bride got out of the car, and got married.
"Here we are now, soon it will be then,
It's nothing more, nothing less than the place that we are in
This moment will never come again
I know it because it has never been before
And I listen to the wind, And I see the trees are shaking..."
"This Moment" Victoria Williams
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Hobo Convention in progress!

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