At the opening of "New Alchemy," the Lexington Camera Club's first group show in 43 years. The original "club" produced several internationally famous art photographers, most notably Ralph Eugene Meatyard, as well as Robert May and Van Deren Coke. Meatyard's death in 1973 effectively cast a pall over further activities, leading to a long dormancy. I helped Guy Mendes (my friend, extraordinary photographer, writer, and all-around person, as well as the principal surviving alum of that original incarnation) "restart" the LCC two years ago. And we're 30 strong now. The show is at the Wilson Fine Art Gallery at Georgetown College for the coming month and is an official part of the Louisville Photo Biennial, which is just icing on the cake.
I'm pretty proud — it's the first time my photography has ever hung in a proper gallery, to say nothing the awesome talents with whom I'm sharing the walls. It's a remarkable show if you're looking for some amazing photography in a beautiful gallery.