
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Gooooood morning, Vietnam Star Wars Fans!

The Famished Awakens. In honor of Star Wars, I ate breakfast like Jabba the Hut. Like, seven times. 

This is the complimentary morning spread at the Calypso Grand, one of countless $40/night hotel charmers in Hanoi's Old Quarter. So, yeah -- I'm completely Hutted up.

Brother Chris and I are going to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens at 2, Hanoi time. I fully expect to cry. Hopefully tears of joy. Please, JJ, please... (also please let it be subtitled and not dubbed, because then I'd be crying for entirely different reasons)

People here are plenty excited, if you were curious. Yesterday, after an awe-inspiring visit to the UN International School (where I taught and performed on ukulele), we spent time with a family of expat teacher who had made an entire day (week?) out of preparing their fam for Episode VII. Also, the school had a variety of SW themed classroom activities like this one.

The Force is strong in Vietnam.

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