
Saturday, March 31, 2012

@WestSixth Brewery pops the taps!


  1. Anonymous11:35 PM


    Wheat - Light and balanced. Just not my cup 'o meat. Most folks will probably dig it for summer.

    Amber - Most insipid of the bunch. Kinda like Michelob Dark. Might be attributable to sampling this one last, however.

    Brown - Most suprising of the bunch. I don't dig Newcastle Ale, but to my palate, this stuff is better. Supplemented the flight glass w/ a pint 'o' same.

    IPA - A light and easy drinking IPA. May not please diehard hopheads, since the hops don't blow you out out of the water like Dogfishhead, et. al. Kind of lacks a "middle" and no hot alcholic finish. Pleasing to this neophyte alehead, however, especially for summer. So much so, grabbed a growler to go.

    All of the above available via a reasonably priced Quadrophenic "flight" on a spiffy platter bearing the spiffy logo w/ spiffy 4 oz or so tasting glasses.

    Very cool space, nice folks, and reasonably priced swag. Thanks to the Mickster for flagging this one.

  2. are you JT's NY friend?

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM


    This "anon."

    1. Posted the "pretend anlgo" comment in connection with your Styx REO 'reener rawk rant a good while back

    2. Requested on overview re: upscale tequila. Still waiting

    3. Zapped the New Yorker blurb regading the demise of the communal film experience in connection w/ the Garboesque shot of your young-un

    4. Commented on Cafe LMNOP and the Babylon Dance Band

    5. Most recently posted a thoughtful beer review.

    Have been to N.Y once, however.

  4. I recognize you, anon — just can't quite place your voice… I will, tho. In the meantime: thanks for being a regular visitor!
