
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Burning Man Evolution 2010 Excitement is Building

Burning Man 2010 is just a few months away. It'll be here before I know it. As I've said since our rig rolled away from Burning Man 2009: "Wild horses couldn't keep me away."

Happily, Brother Chris feels the same way.

I got to go last year — after a decade of wanting to go — due to his self-reinvention as an Airstream vagabond. That gave me the hitch I needed. (Going to Burning Man is not something to take lightly, and enormous resources are required.)

One of my favorite moments of Burning Man 2009, was walking around with my brother on about Day 4. I wasn't at all clear whether or not he was truly enjoying "the Playa," because he's always so game — and also so polite — even in the face of things that may not be his bag.

But looking around at the never-ending, never-fully-believable spectacle of Black Rock City, walking along 3 O'clock Avenue, Chris mused: "If I come back to Burning Man — and I probably will…" The rest of the sentence isn't important. The part that made my heart sing was "…and I probably will."

In case it needs to be said, we've already got our tickets and plans for Kentucky Fried Camp are in full swing. In fact, the camp will likely double in size this year — making Black Rock City doubly-richer in Lexingtonians.

Here's a video (one of the hundreds on youtube) that shows some fraction of the dizzying array of wonders contained in the one-week city of 45,000 people, the 3rd-largest city in Nevada for that one week.

Black Rock City, I can hardly wait to see you in this year's incarnation.

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