
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Que Coincidence!

Vacation coincidences are fun.

On Vieques, it was fairly normal to recognize practically every single person we saw. We would even see familiar faces at beaches far removed from our digs, beaches that had literally less than half-a-dozen people on them. It's just when it continued past Vieques that things started getting weird. Puerto Rico mainland is quite sizable and populated. And we weren't staying in Old San Juan, the tourist mecca.

Here's some of Lucy's favorite coincidental sightings that we've had over the last several days.
  • A German family we were seated next to on Vieques showed up as house guests at Numero 1.
  • A Numero 1 guest family showed up seated next to us at Baru, one of Old San Juan's hundreds of restaurants, and "up the hill," off the beaten path.
  • Also, at Baru, we discovered ourselves to be two doors down from the place that Lucy and I spent Halloween a few years ago. A place who's name and location neither of us could have recollected.
  • On our second dinner occasion -- a place called Mohito's in Old San Juan, another guest family from Numero 1 rolled in. (Keep in mind: our guest house has a occupancy of maybe 2 dozen and we selected the place at the last minute from Yelp).
  • Our cab back from OSJ was the same friendly driver who took us to Baru the night before. (randomly selected from a cab queue)

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