
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Today — Burning Man: Pre-show jitters

Sun's coming up in Reno, NV, and after a typically sound sleep in Marge, we're off on all manner of errands. And then we're going north to Burning Man 2009 "Evolution," in the middle of the Black Rock desert.

I'm feeling pretty emotional about this — there's excitement and an almost equal amount of anxiety. Is this really a good idea? I know, for instance, that I despair of leaving Homer in Truckee, CA, for a week, and if I do, I can only imagine how Chris feels about it. We will both miss him terribly, I fear.

Also, we've got to buy food today and I don't really get what to get, if you will. I've been told things like "soup out of a can" and "powerbars," and that sounds wretched, to be perfectly honest.

Reno is apparently teeming with "burners" and there is an electricity in the air, I must admit. Also, everyone here — even the crustiest WWII RV camping vet dude — has heard of Burning Man. Or at least the fact that "there's naked girls running around all over the place there." For the record, I'm pretty sure that the legend and lure of nekkid girls — and the affiliated photographs — far outweighs that actual quantity of nekkid girls at, well, anything. But it's always gonna be the first thing you hear, is that there are naked people. Because — by and large — we as a society are not a naked people. Nor do I predict becoming a naked person, just for the record. Though I do look forward to wearing my pajamas and some other fun costumes. I brought two capes, because, to paraphrase my fellow Kentucky Friar and inspiration, John Darko: "If as a kid? You liked wearing capes around? Then Burning Man is for you."

So that remains my hope: That "Burning Man is for me" and that my "performance anxieties" will wane and I'll have a deeply inspiring time. That's what I want, as a creative person, ans so that's what I'm asking The Man for: To be deeply inspired as a creative person.

We're in for quite a week, I think that's pretty obvious. I'm also wondering when I'll next sleep. I wouldn't be surprised if it's not until after the sun comes up on Sunday.

Final note: as anticlimatic as it may seem, I also don't know how much I'll be blogging from Black Rock City, for a number of reasons:
  1. Still very unclear about internet/phone access — Many seasoned Burners pointedly don't want these things. Many who have deep strong feelings about the inspirational power of The Man, long to be "unplugged" from those network tendrils that have come to dominate our lives.
  2. In keeping with #1, I don't know how much I want to be blogging and even — photographing. I know I'd like to do some of these, but I also would like to embrace the spirit of The Man, and unplug myself for a few days, and see what that's like. (this coming from a guy who is currently standing in an Airstream — standing — concocting a blogpost, when he should be getting in line for the showers.
  3. Definitely don't know how much I'll be twittering for a combination of reasons #1 and #2. If there is cool shit happening around me, and I have my face in Tweetdeck on my phone? Well, I just will really endeavor to avoid that, at least for the most part.
I'm just saying is all. Worst case, there will be some postscripts to the Burning Man experience, and I'm sure you haven't heard the last from me for a week. But it might be good for Mick to keep his head out of teh Netz for a spell. And not really sure how that happens. But I'm at least cognizant of the fact that it could wind up being a cold turkey sort of situation.

Regardless, there is a BIG PLAN to do a phone-in Live From Burning Man report on Trivial Thursdays, probably around 8am next, with my pals, supporters and guest hosts Kakie Urch and Brian Connors-Manke. DON'T MISS THAT!

Ok, really — I better take a shower. Definitely don't know when that is going to happen again…

BTW: Thanks so much for following this odyssey. The many comments that I've gotten — through Facebook, twitter, and this blog — have filled my heart with delight. And many followers have also offered valuable advice on a myriad of topics, often within a critical time window. In other words, thanks to some of you for helping to keep this show on the road!

More soon, probably, more concision, and in a few hours — the road to Burning Man.


  1. Turn it ALL OFF!!!! After being forced to that for a week when we went out West a few years ago, I can say with complete confidence that you will be sooooooooooo glad you did. Just say a quick farewell as you go in the camp.
    You should also think about things that you can create with other humans...Lucy in particular...

  2. When it comes to food, think about what you want to eat when it's hottest in the summer and that is what you will want to eat at Burning Man. Then think about what of that you can keep in a cooler for a week. This is what you will want to buy. If you wouldn't normally eat it you probably won't want to eat it at Burning Man, so don't buy anything like that.
