
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hooray for Aspen Street Coffee in Fruita, CO! Keeping me caffeinated and productive on a glorious Thursday AM. Listened to my own radio show at 6am local time (west of the Rockies means early-early for East Coast communications) with my amazing special guest hosts Kakie and Brian. Thanks so much, you guys were great!

Chris and I will forge on to Utah today and hopefully spend a bit of leisure time (neither of us knows what that means, btw. Chris will be working on Marge, and I'll be working on design-y stuff) among the southern Utah desert wonders.

Oh — we had a mishap in storage-land: A can of varnish turned over in the way way back and did grievous harm to some bags, but not really to their contents. Last night, after we arrived, I didn't have to drink bourbon — I just cleaned up the mess and got a head full of mineral spirits. (swoon)

Burning Man is just days away. And the man is up!

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