
Monday, September 08, 2008

Lexington Bike Prom 2008

Bike Prom Hijinx 2008, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

A bunch of cool folks sponsored the 1st Lexington Bike Prom to benefit our next-door neighbors, the Living Arts and Science Center. I did the Laptop Lounge deejay thing while all sorts of funloving bike-folks rode a downtown circuit and then celebrated at Molly Brooks afterwards, where I also bumped some tunes. What fun!

Here's the flickr pool of people's images of the event. (note: I didn't shoot pictures but rather made a few little flipvideos like this and this. One of my favorite things about the vids is that the soundtrack is actually live off of my PA. It's not overdubbed later. We were rockin' downtown, I tellya…

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