
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kiss and fly!

Kiss and fly!, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.


great message distilling for the briefest (and probably most popular) form of airport arrival/delivery. The bay area wins again. Headed back to the bluegrass now, after a careening and delightful acquaintence with my new fun friend, the state of california. I'll miss you and see you soon!

The Tonga Finale

Got to go to the legendary Tonga Room on my last night in the Bay Area.
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The Tonga Room & Hurricane Bar

The Tonga Room offers a tropical and festive atmosphere with live entertainment, dancing and a rain storm.  The Tonga Room serves exceptional Pacific Rim Asian Cuisine in a tropical setting. It is the perfect escape after a busy day of meetings or shopping along Union Square. Be sure to try the Mai Tai, regularly recognized as the City's best!

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Monday, September 29, 2008

How Berkeley Can You Be? Parade 2008

Berkeley, California's annual fabulous parade, great fun, an annual event that I hope to return for in the future!

here's the entire set from the parade.

Amazing sugar cubes.

Amazing sugar cubes., originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

I miss the concept of sugar cubes, which has been lost tragically to the misguided american obsession with being irrationally sanitary. These are hand+crafted raw cane sugar cubes at Cafe Fanny in berkeley, ca.

Cafe fannie

Cafe fannie, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

Caffe Americano and beignets with the berkeleyites.. A comtemplative brisk morning in pj's and a hoodie. I was waxing a moment regretful over my recent visit to hearst castle while driving up the PCH. I wish i'd bought the souvenir carabiner/keychain. Totally generic except for the words "Hearst Castle" imprinted in tiny and unremarkable letters. It was $6. I was only willing to go $3 for such a distinctive memory of one of America's most impressive landmarks. Please note that they *did* have similarly-compelling shot glasses --. But I thought the carabiner said *even less* about WR's San Simeon marvel.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ojai morning surf

Ojai morning surf, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.


Pacific coast hwy, ojai, ca.Pacific coast hwy, ojai, ca.


Mmm, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

Not really sure why, but california just frequently smells good. On 101 and the PCH, I've smelled aloe, coconut oil and a general crisp freshness. Just drivin down the road.

from the PCH

Wandering my way up the Pacific Coast Highway. It's foggy this AM, but I managed to find a cup of coffee and be surrounded by kids who have grown up with chilly morning trips to the beach as a way of life. Nice.

esau's cafe - Google Maps

Bye Os Tylers!

Bye os tylers!, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

Heading out from fab LA. bye to this great backyard plant and days of endless sunshine. Headed for the Pacific Coast HWY!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Robot chicken

Robot chicken, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

Seth with Super Kate recording David Hasselhof for an upcoming Robot Chicken episode!

robot chicken

robot chicken, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

Robot Chicken in production-- Seth Greene does VOs, Super Kate runs the pro tools. Woot!

the bourgeois pig

the bourgeois pig, originally uploaded by saraicat.

internetting at the amazing Bourgeois Pig in Hollywood, in their "Moroccan Cave" room. (not this picture. It's amazing. In a little while, going to watch Seth Greene and David Hasselhof record for Robot Chicken, courtesy of Super Kate!

Later on, going to see Donna Jo in "Bury the Dead," performed by the Actor's Gang.

Good times in L.A.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Juchitan 2002

Here's a promotional postcard by my filmmaker friends Dos Vatos using an image that I shot for them in Juchitan, Mexico. What fun that was!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Big fresh at lynagh's

Big fresh at lynagh's, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

John table surfs at Lynagh's during a Big Fresh show, much to the chagrin of the staff.

Big fresh at lynagh's

Big fresh at lynagh's, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

Big Fresh brings the Trumpet Rock to Lynagh's. (apologies to Beulah, but they broke up, so somebody else gets to "bring the trumpet rock")

Friday, September 19, 2008

Stir spoons!

Stir spoons!, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

The exact bar spoon I've been wanting.. For a buck and change…


Dreamland, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

The institutional restaurant supply store on NoLi in lex. Heaven.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Rebirthing Jazz History

Inside the Lyric, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

Lexington's Lyric Theater, at the corner of 3rd and Elm Tree Lane, was a mecca in its heyday, playing host to giants like Count Basie and Sarah Vaughan. Over time, it has fallen into neglect followed by abandonment. There is an effort in town to restore the theater and they recently had an open house. The second I stepped inside, I felt washed over by memories here and an aura of utter greatness. In the blink of an eye, I realized that Lexington needs — NEEDS — the Lyric Theater back.

Go here to help restore the Lyric Theater.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Lexington Bike Prom 2008

Bike Prom Hijinx 2008, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

A bunch of cool folks sponsored the 1st Lexington Bike Prom to benefit our next-door neighbors, the Living Arts and Science Center. I did the Laptop Lounge deejay thing while all sorts of funloving bike-folks rode a downtown circuit and then celebrated at Molly Brooks afterwards, where I also bumped some tunes. What fun!

Here's the flickr pool of people's images of the event. (note: I didn't shoot pictures but rather made a few little flipvideos like this and this. One of my favorite things about the vids is that the soundtrack is actually live off of my PA. It's not overdubbed later. We were rockin' downtown, I tellya…

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Drums foe lyric

Drums foe lyric, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.


Drummers inside the in-progress renovation of lexington's lyic theatre. Very cool, very inspiring.Drummers inside the in-progress renovation of lexington's lyic theatre. Very cool, very inspiring.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Blues n street

Blues n street, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.


Thowin down some wendy and lisa styleThowin down some wendy and lisa style


Key-tar!, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.


Y can't beat a keytar soloY can't beat a keytar solo

Roots and heritage fest

Roots and heritage fest, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.


One of lexington's most genuine summer events.One of lexington's most genuine summer events.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Notable Neighbors 2008

I was delighted to be asked once again this year to do the principal photography for Smiley Pete Publishing's Notable Neighbors series, which runs concurrently in the Chevy Chaser and the Southsider monthlies.

The assignment was expected to be challenging — and it was. It was also a great exercise in the things that I love: photography, socializing, problem-solving, and creative thinking, plus a healthy dose of good fortune.

Along the way, I became mildly obsessed with the venerable art of photographic portraiture and took some time at the library perusing some of the masters.

During the project, I felt grateful to get to apply lighting lessons that I learned from National Georgraphic veteran shooter Karen Kasmauski at the Maine Media Workshops last summer, as well as some of the tough love that came to me from Jonathan Newton of the Washington Post at Mountain Workshop 2007).

During the shooting (over the course of a week and a half) I was struck by a few things:
  1. That there are some remarkable people living in Lexington.
  2. That I've learned a great deal since shooting last year's portraits.
  3. That I know little of the craft that defines exceptional portrait photography.
The third insight is one of those that is both enlivening and discouraging. Ultimately, though, it's a good thing: to see distant horizons in a discipline under which you would like to improve.

I'm reminded, then, of a lecture I heard from a legendary photographer (though I now forget who) saying: "Every assignment I go on, I just wait to see what I'll screw up that I've never screwed up before… and will probably never screw up again after that!"

So the final published results — in their online form — are here and here. But I also set up a Flickr set with all the final shots and some alternates, if you're curious or would like to comment on any of the pix.
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September 02, 2008
2008 Chevy Chaser Notable Neighbors
Chuck Beal.
photo by: Mick Jeffries.

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Ed McClanahan returns to Trivial Thursdays

With much delight, I welcome Lexington institution and national treasure Ed McClanahan back to Trivial Thursdays this thursday! He'll be sharing more of his fabulous finery with listeners and discussing his new book O the Clear Moment and his upcoming CD release Fondelle, or: The Whore with a Heart of Gold.

You don't want to miss this one, friends!

(photo: guy mendes)

Monday, September 01, 2008

protest clashes in minneapolis

there is some amazing footage here of protesters in Minneapolis being arrested at the GOP convention.

qik homepage of theuptake

A particularly amazing video of protesters being detained and processed is here.

minneapolis protests, live and now.

there are clashes between police and "protesters" around the GOP convention. Amazingly, in this modern world, people are posting real videos from their cellphones of some of what is going on.

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Speaking of Jack-booted thugs

There are some pretty disturbing reports coming out of Minneapolis about preliminary residential raids by heavily-armed SWAT-like teams, seemingly looking to intimidate those considering protesting the GOP convention. This material is from, which I would consider to be a reputable media outlet.

If this scares or disturbs you (and it should), then VOTE the goons that run our country out on their asses in November.

This is an DEVELOPING STORY. Here's an unrelated video of a dozen police cars commandeering an activist bus. More developments, in words and pictures, here.

It will be interesting to see what sort of role social networking plays in the next few days of the political landscape.
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Glenn Greenwald

Massive police raids on suspected protestors in Minneapolis

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