
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

the NOLA life

I went to New Orleans recently and found this bit from Esquire to be spot on, in retrospect. I can't wait to go back.
clipped from

Going by a couple of hours spent sipping Sazeracs at Tujague’s, Napoleon House, Arnaud’s, or any one of the other great old French Quarter oases -- about as pleasant a thing as any clothed adult can do -- you’d never know there was a Katrina. But then again, neither would you know there was a 21st century. New Orleans bars are very conservative places, in the best sense of the word: Proprietors won’t change things just to make them new and shiny. And if they find something that works for them, they’ll stick to it, come hell or high water -- or, in this case, both. All of this is by way of saying that unlike restaurants, there aren’t a lot of new bars in the city. And the best of the ones there are, CafĂ© Adelaide in the Loews Hotel, already seems like it has been there forever. We consider that a healthy sign.

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