
Friday, August 29, 2008

Live from …

I am plenty lucky to live in the modern world, to have a delightful and talented wife and so much more.

I say this particularly because I'm currently blessed by being able to work — yes, work — in a hotel room at the sumptuous Netherland hotel in Cincinnati. Thanks to my wife, who's here on business, and thanks to modern technology for allowing me to communicate with clients and get stuff done — all from 23 stories in the air with a view of the Ohio River.

And while I do predict that in the not-too-distant future, more and more people are going to be forced to work out of the office, I must confess that these are the salad days for us "remote workers."

Okay, back to the grind.

A Gem

Oh, thank you, thank you to amazing music blog I Supply the Country with Butter for returning a gem to us. The Bongwater version of "You Don't Love Me Yet" has been stuck in my head for, oh, about 20 years. And I haven't heard it in nearly that long.


Probably the finest of all the major label tributes released in the '90's, Where The Pyramid Meets The Eye is filled with tuneful renderings of Roky Erickson's greatest songs. The troubled Texan and former 13th Floor Elevator is honored here by the likes of Julian Cope, R.E.M., Judybats, Butthole Surfers, Primal Scream, ZZ Top, The Jesus & Mary Chain and many other outstanding acts. An excellent and enjoyable ride, to be sure.
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Boxie on the mend!

Boxie on the mend!, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

Got some good people on the case of my suddenly ill Volvo here at Sechrest Garage in Williamstown, ky. She runs fine now, but we've decided to replace the apparently never-ever-replaced fuel filter. Over 200,000 miles. Amazing. l'm actually feeling grateful and happy. Hope that lasts.

Off-brand cereals

Off-brand cereals, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

Off-brand cereals are much more prevalent in small rural towns.

Boxie's having a bad day!

Boxie's having a bad day!, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

My faithful Volvo wagon is ill! She seized up w/o warning on I-75 near williamstown. Once we got her to a mechanic, she starts right up!

I love my car.. Gotta get her better..

BODIES in Cincinnati

Made it to see BODIES in Cincinnati, the amazing and slightly revolting touring exhibit of actual cadavers that have been "polymered" into static poses and decontructed, making for the most remarkable and occasionally disturbing displays of human anatomy that most people (including me) will have ever seen. The verdict? Amazing. BODIES is at Cincinnati's Union Terminal for just two more weeks. Don't miss it.

Using real human specimens, painstakingly prepared and respectfully displayed,
the Bodies Revealed exhibition lets visitors of all ages explore deep within the human body in a way that informs but doesn’t overwhelm.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Farm tools

Farm tools, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

I've been working at the Kentucky Horse Park for a few months now and my main charge has been "freshening up" the Horse-Drawn Farming Equipment exhibit. The project is nearing completion, and while I couldn't have done it without the help of some very key people, I'm also mighty proud to have charted the direction of the effort. Working on museum exhibits is cool and fun work.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

the NOLA life

I went to New Orleans recently and found this bit from Esquire to be spot on, in retrospect. I can't wait to go back.
clipped from

Going by a couple of hours spent sipping Sazeracs at Tujague’s, Napoleon House, Arnaud’s, or any one of the other great old French Quarter oases -- about as pleasant a thing as any clothed adult can do -- you’d never know there was a Katrina. But then again, neither would you know there was a 21st century. New Orleans bars are very conservative places, in the best sense of the word: Proprietors won’t change things just to make them new and shiny. And if they find something that works for them, they’ll stick to it, come hell or high water -- or, in this case, both. All of this is by way of saying that unlike restaurants, there aren’t a lot of new bars in the city. And the best of the ones there are, CafĂ© Adelaide in the Loews Hotel, already seems like it has been there forever. We consider that a healthy sign.

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daiquiri from esquire

the daiquiri is the latest in my continuing home series of Most Misunderstood Drinks. Thanks, Wondrich! (as always)
clipped from

Read the Wondrich Take
David Wondrich



  • 2 ounces white rum
  • 1/2 teaspoon superfine sugar
  • 1/2 ounce lime juice


Glass Type: cocktail glass


Squeeze the lime into your shaker, stir in the sugar, and then add the rum. Shake well with cracked ice, then strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Note on the rum: Some prefer dark over white; if you do use dark rum, cut back a little on the sugar.

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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Apples in Stereo on Colbert

Our local happy happys, The Apples in Stereo on The Colbert Report! Can you feel it?

Well, done, guys!

Big Bugs in Kentucky!

Bill and Susie Tyler (aka my parents) and a swarm of others have been busy as bees getting the Western Kentucky Botanical Garden ready for Big Bugs, David Rogers' traveling show.

The big day has arrived and Big Bugs have, too. All sorts of events are happening connected to Big Bugs. To see what's up (and to arrange a visit!), take a look here. Here's some pictures of KET's Kentucky Life crew filming a segment on Big Bugs.