
Friday, May 09, 2008

New Orleans: The Lensbaby Tour

Napoleon House
Originally uploaded by mrtoastey
The barkeep at New Orleans' historic Napoleon House can mix up a half-a-dozen Ramos Gin Fizzes so fast his hands actually seemed to blur. Or maybe that was the "Famous Ramos's." :-)

I experienced Sunday in New Orleans with my Lensbaby-equipped camera in effect. And while I opted out of the finale day of Jazzfest, I have no regrets, as my travels included historic buildings, cocktails, Lakeview flood damage, a French Quarter history, and a cemetery visit that included a soundtrack by Santana, drifting over from the fairgrounds.

Here's the whole set.



  1. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Hey Mick!

    That's a great shot of Mario. We spent part of that afternoon chatting with you about the drinks of New Orleans. We did head over to the Carousel for a Vieux Carre, and it was a great side trip. We'll keep in touch.

    Mike & Karen

  2. hey you guys!

    i really enjoyed our chat..

    either leave yr email here or shoot me an email at mick ((((at))) mick jeffries dott com
