
Sunday, December 09, 2007

The merits of FILM.

Holga Maine
Originally uploaded by mrtoastey
I've been quietly nursing an actual film fetish, in the form of my Holga toy camera (this image), and my recently-acquired and completely heavy and badass Zenza Bronica XTRC medium format. Room for lots of improvement, needless to say, but some images from both cameras can be found in this gallery.


  1. mmm... I like! especially the color Bronica ones! The color tones yrr getting remind me a little bit of the Autochrome shot near the front of this month's National Geographic. A bit more "real" looking than the hyped up Kodachrome tones. Appparently the Autochrome film used potato starch instead of whatever they use now.

    Anyway - Keep going! I like Good Stuff.

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM

    yey, film. so yummy!
