
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Some good news on the Environment!

I know I've been a little un-bloggy lately, but I'm coming back, I swear. In the meantime, this is the best news I've heard in many a moon, concerning the worrisome state of the environment and the fuck-headed attitude taken by many "in charge" in our country. Check it out, read the story, it's a big deal.

High Court rebukes Bush on car pollution

Now, if somebody can only explain to me why this story was in Yahoo News' top RSS feeds for less than a day, before being replaced by important news about Justin Timberlake.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:04 AM

    "Now, if somebody can only explain to me why this story was in Yahoo News' top RSS feeds for less than a day..."

    -Because we live in Amerikkka, baby. This decision is good news & got big play in our local NYC media. On the other hand, it's only the beginning of the fight & we're already behind.

