
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Special Agent Lucy on Trivial Thursdays!

lucy is evil, but i'm nice, originally uploaded by mrtoastey.

Tomorrow on Trivial Thursdays, my long-running college-mutant version of a morning drive-time show, my guest will be the only woman with the moxie to shout me down. So much so that I married her!

Tune in to Trivial Thursdays—The Lucy Show on WRFL 88.1fm, tomorrow at 7am!


  1. Lucy shouts down everybody.

  2. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Please archive this one & give me an easy way to timeshift it. I've been working 18 out of the past 28 hours & probably won't "make" the show in the morning. -jT

  3. Yer wife called me an "asshole" yesterday. You need to reign that woman in. ;o)

