
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

OMG! It's Kris Eans!

OMG! It's Kris Eans!
Originally uploaded by mrtoastey.
Well, the strangest "it's a small world" event of the cruise was the very last night, talking to a trombonist kid who was playing with a hot little quintet in the Ionian Lounge. We hadn't heard them before, and I was throwing around my Famous Jazz Blather® (which routinely leads to the question: "Do you maybe want to sit in with us for a song?" which leads to the answer from me: "You don't want that, trust me.")

Anyway, I tell this kid I'm from Kentucky and he notes that one of the musicians in the show band is from Louisville. Cool, I say, not thinking much of it. Then a few minutes later the words "trumpet" and "Chris" are uttered and I get this funny fealing and blurt out: Wait—are you talking about Kris Eans?! The guy says YES. I just about fall out of my chair, and it wasn't from the Martini I was drinking; Kris is a casual friend, but also the younger brother of Greg, a high school classmate of mine, and Kevin, my old photo-buddy, who sort of taught me everthing I know back in yearbook class and now works for USAToday!

And here's Kris, former Lexxer, Owensboroan, killer jazz trumpeter, right on Carnival Victory! I sent a message with the trombonist, and Kris called our room and came to visit shortly thereafter.

Look, y'alll! It's Kris Eans! I'm sure he'd love to hear from you, if you want to drop him a line!

Upon departing, I made the savvy packing decision to bequeath Kris and wife Nicki our room party lights and remaining supply of Bombay Sapphire (sob) and a bottle of Irish Cream. And I'm well aware that when you and your spouse's cabin is about 9' x 9', the standard response to being given a bag of stuff is gee...thanks.

Kris! See you in Louisville!


  1. Anonymous9:11 AM

    OMG! Kris! Kris lived at 377 Sherman with us for a while...also played his trumpet beautifully to call together the guests at our wedding...and on and on. I thought the guy in the picture looked familiar, just could not place him. I LOVE the Eans brothers. So fantastic that you made contact with them. They've been missing for far too long!
    There are no coincidences....

  2. Anonymous9:12 AM

    ...also now even more jealous of you and your merry band of cruise takers...
