
Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Return of Love Jones

Originally uploaded by merfam.
Love Jones touches you…even if perhaps you don't quite want to be touched in that way... Saturday night at Phoenix Hill Tavern, Love Jones concluded their 2006 world tour (one date in LA, one date in L'ville) with a smooth diminished ninth of a night.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Dig Dog Dang It!

    So I missed the Love Jones show again? I coulda been there! I gots vacation days to burn baby. I toured with them back in the day - I bet I could've made a guest appearance. Shibbit! That looks like it was fun (even if it was @ Penis Hill.)

    Please be advised, as of last night I have reestablished e-contact with the Love Jones mothership asking to be forwarned of future Concertizing.

    Just in case they flake out (ach, musicians,) would one of Y'all let me know if you hear about any Super-Fun LJ shows anytime in the next 50 years?

