
Saturday, September 09, 2006

Roots & Heritage Parade

Originally uploaded by mrtoastey.
Once a year, downtown Lexington explodes with afro-groove energy during the Roots & Heritage Festival. The Saturday parade goes right by our street and I'm determined never to miss it as long as I'm in town! Here are some shots from this morning. Great fun. A beautiful day.


  1. Nice! How did the band sound?

    Back when I lived on North MLK in the mid-90's, there was this little church that had a semi-permanent fund raising weekend buffet. I used to go there faithfully every week, making a special guest appearance as the only white dude in sight ordering Fried Turtle & kick-ass Greens. I think they charged $3.50 for the combo. Yum!

    Do yourself a favor & go see if they're still there.

    Had any good Turtle lately? Me neither.

  2. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Beautiful photos!
