
Sunday, January 22, 2006

Bringin' home the Lucite.

Friday night was The Addys, which I admit kind of snuck up on me. By Friday, after 5p, I'm usually ready to hit the couch, and I wasn't exactly wild about the prospect of gettin' fancied up and heading to the Marriott for intense schmoozing… especially consider that the invitation said "black tie" and my attire was…somewhat less than formal. I know enough to know what black tie means, but had my doubts about whether people would actually embrace this. (As the hour approached, I was really mostly interested in conclusive evidence that I wouldn't be the only one who wasn't wearing black tie. At one point, I had this idea to tie a black shoe lace around my middle finger in case anybody asked me where my black tie was.

Anyway—long story short, to quote my brother—I wasn't the only one (though most definitely in the minority), and I won two Addys!

I was looking for an image online of the li'l Addy trophy to illustrate my glory, and was surprised to not be able to find one; But I did find this image from somebody else's Addy victory that was close enough to mine that I got a few laughs out of just "marking it up."

By the way, I had fun— I was worried that it would be a stiff drag, but I forgot that I love to schooze as much as anybody, and did my fair share. My favorite thing (that wasn't me winning a Gold Addy): trying to wheel and deal with a couple of adjacent tables to get them to swap our table a bottle of (gross) blush wine for their seemingly untouched red wine. No dice, but some good laughs.

Congrats to my other KET peeps, who helped the agency take home a decent handful of awards. Also to Elevation Studios, who mopped up the place for a second year in a row.

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