
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bang on a Can performs "1/1"

I never imagined that — over 25 years after hearing it on Rick Andrews' Maxell C90 — I would hear Brian Eno's "Music for Airports" performed live. Thank you, Bang on a Can — absolutely sublime.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Amanda Palmer & The Young Punx - "Map of Tasmania" Music Video

New from Dresden Dolls' Amanda Palmer. Brilliant, once again. Get a name-your-price copy of this song here and the money goes directly in her … well, wherever it is that she keeps money, I guess.

Johnnie Cluney — Confections of a Generation.

The artwork of Johnnie Cluny is totally inspiring to me; it captures the tribal nature of indie rock and the "genre's" many brave, intrepid faces. It reminds me of the odd, fresh form of courage that may be required to opt for a life of music, modern troubadour style. At least that's what this portrait of Caitlin Rose says to me. I'm actually not familiar with her music, but here's an equally cool portrait of Beulah's Miles Kurosky, who I love.

(Cluny seems to be the visual voice of the great music blog, Daytrotter, btw.)