
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rakadu at Natasha's

Originally uploaded by mrtoastey

Here's some new photos from Rakadu Gypsy Dance's recent show at Natasha's.. I tried to be a little more introspective with these photos, resisting to some extent the urge to drink in the wonderful dancing, photographically. There's so much happening on a somewhat more close-up level that I challenged myself to step outside the norm a bit (and will continue to do so).

The whole set is here.

Thanks to Rakadu for always happily accepting my looming camera presence.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Everything's amazing, nobody's happy

This guy really really hits it on the head, and he's also funny. If you're having a bad day, watch this and hit "reset."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Album art in a shrinking world

Such a great thing to ponder for graphic designers.
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Design Artwork for a Shrinking Album Cover

Music is an aural art form. But the packaging for the recordings—the album cover—has a distinct aesthetic, one that has evolved along with distribution technologies and formats.

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Friday, March 06, 2009


Originally uploaded by mrtoastey

Mick Jeffries

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Giant Pink Squirrel

Originally uploaded by mrtoastey

A new bottle of Creme de Noyeux led me to an unfortunate yet delicious discovery: The Pink Squirrel. Strawberry Quik, anybody? Nothing should taste this good.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Lexington to Hollywood

I recently re-established contact with Bradley Picklesimer, a Kentucky native living in Los Angeles to whom Lexington's nightlife and culture owe an enormous debt for his gender-bending 80's night clubs Club Au Go Go and Cafe LMNOP.

Reflecting on the wonderful time that I spent with him in LA, I stumbled across this MSNBC piece.
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Oscar party planner Bradley Harrison Picklesimer holds a foam board containing 140 Swarovski crystals. The objects will be placed inside flower arrangements which will adorn the tables of the Elton John Oscar night party Feb. 27.

So many Oscar parties, so little time

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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Mel Muir tiles

Don't you need some funky fresh tile art? I think you do.
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8x8 grass green islands

8x8 grass green islands

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